Q. Where is your lab located?

A. We are located at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  

Q. when are you accepting students?

A.  Graduate students typically enter the Behavior Analysis program in Fall. Undergraduate students may join the lab any semester, including during summer.

Q. what kind of research Do your students do?

A. Students conduct research in their areas of interest within early intervention, skill acquisition, and problem behavior. They also conduct translational research to lay the foundation for later applied studies in understudied topic areas.

Some student research topics include: evaluations of treatment integrity, development and evaluation of a problem-solving model to address barriers to learning, evaluation and training of professional (soft) skills, methods to increase the efficacy and efficiency of intervention, assessment-based instruction, methods to improve early literacy skills, preference assessments and interventions for canines, methods to improve the feasibility of interventions for problem behavior, and use of culturally relevant practices.

Q. how long is the graduate program?

A. The master’s program is 2 years. The length of the doctoral training program varies, depending on whether students enter the program with a master’s degree. The doctoral training program can be 2-4 years, depending on degree at the time of entry.

Q. what do students do when they graduate?

A. Master’s students become BCBAs and work in companies in Wisconsin and around the nation. Master’s students may also enter a doctoral training program, if interested. Doctoral students tend to become professors, clinical directors, and program directors.

Q. Im interested in your work, but im not applying to grad school right now, is there any way i can get involved?

A.  Interested people can apply for volunteer, research assistant, and employment positions in the clinic by contacting Dr. Kodak.